Also, I think Locke might know more about Ethan than he's telling.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 10 Supplemental
It came to me this morning that "Ethan Rom" is an anagram of "Other Man." Also, I don't think Sayid was injured when he left Danielle Rousseau. Did he run into someone else on the island?
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 10
Title: Raised by Another
Original Air Date: December 1, 2004
Key Character: Claire
New characters: Thomas, Mr. Melkin (psychic), Pauline & John Stewart (adoptive parents)
I KNEW IT! I KNEW Ethan wasn't one of the survivors! 20 main characters on this show, and he just pops up out of nowhere. I'm still suspicious about Steve & Scott, and that hypochondriac guy.
Anyway, this is a Claire episode, and it's kickass. In Claire's backstory, she got pregnant by a kid named Thomas, who quickly turns yellow and dumps her. She met a psychic who insisted she raise the baby at all costs. He talked her out of giving the baby up for adoption, and gave her a plane ticket to California to meet a different couple. Now Claire believes he knew the plane would crash.
On the island, Claire has a nightmare, then believes someone tries to attack her. Hurley takes a census for everyone's safety. He discovers that Ethan Rom's name isn't on the flight manifest. Sayid returns to camp, and tells Jack there are others on the island--information that might have been useful YESTERDAY!
- The eyeball open is becoming a thing.
- In Claire's nightmare, Locke has weird eyes: one white, one black.
- Oh yea! The psychic played the Russian president on 24.
- Sawyer looks cool in those Kurt Cobain sunglasses.
- If you can't tell red from pink, maybe art isn't your thing.
Grade: A+++. This show kicks ass!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 09--Supplemental
Holy crap, it occurred to me this morning that Ethan and the hypochondriac are two different characters. I guess I wasn't following closely and just assumed they were the same person. Anyway, it's still surprising that they would introduce two new survivors without at least showing them in previous episodes.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 09
Title: Solitary
Original Air Date: November 17, 2004
Key Character: Sayid
New Characters: Danielle Rouseau, Nadia, Ethan
This episode focuses on Sayid's backstory. An interrogator in the Republican Guard, Sayid met a childhood friend, Nadia. He was commanded to torture her until she cooperated. Instead, Sayid brought her bread and water and begged her to talk. After a month, his superior ordered him to execute her. Instead, he helped her escape, killing his superior and intentionally shooting himself in the process. He never saw her again, and believes her to be dead.
On the island, Sayid finds an electric cable on the beach and follows it into the jungle. He falls into a booby trap and is apprehended by Danielle, the French woman heard on the transmission. She tortures him with electricity and asks him in several languages where her son Alex is. Sayid offers to fix her music box in exchange for his freedom. She tells him how she and her lover, Robert, were shipwrecked on the island with a science team. She says there were Others ("carriers") on the island who trapped her team at "Black Rock." Hearing a loud animal growl, she climbs out to investigate, leaving Sayid alone. Sayid escapes with a gun and a map of the island. Danielle catches up with him, and releases him after a tense confrontation. We discover that Danielle killed Robert and the rest of the science team. Sayid asks her to join him and the survivors, but she refuses. Sayid then heads out but gets lost in the jungle.
Meanwhile, Hurley builds a golf course and everyone has fun. Except Locke, who teaches Walt how to throw a knife. Creepy.
- I wonder why we haven't seen Ethan before this episode.
Grade: A+
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 08
Title: Confidence Man
Original Air Date: November 10, 2004
Key Character: Sawyer
New Characters: Jess and David, Kilo
This is a great episode about Sawyer's backstory. He was a conman trying to swindle a couple out of $160,000. He cancelled the deal when he discovered the couple had a young son. Apparently, Sawyer was the boy's age when another conman named "Mr. Sawyer" caused the death of his parents in a murder/suicide tragedy.
Boone thinks Sawyer has stolen Shannon's asthma medicine, because the book he's been reading, Watership Down, belongs to Boone. Sawyer first offers to give the medicine to Kate in exchange for a kiss. She refuses. When Shannon's condition gets worse, Jack and Sayid agree to torture him until he surrenders the drugs. He doesn't last long, and again agrees to give the medicine to Kate in exchange for a kiss. This time she concedes, but he confesses he never had the medicine. Then there's a struggle between Sawyer and Sayid, who thinks Sawyer attacked him and destroyed his equipment. Sayid stabs him in the shoulder.
Fortunately, Sun convinces Michael to find some eucalyptus in the jungle. She makes a rub that heals Shannon. Sayid, regretting his attack on Sawyer, leaves the camp to scout the island.
- Sawyer likes playing the victim, and almost wants everyone to hate him. He feels guilty for turning into the man he hated. But he's still an asshole.
- It still isn't clear who attacked Sayid and destroyed his equipment.
Grade: A+
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 07
Title: The Moth
Original Air Date: November 3, 2004
Key Character: Charlie
New Characters: Liam
In this episode, we learn Charlie's backstory. Charlie came close to quitting his band, Driveshaft, because he felt the party lifestyle betrayed his Catholic beliefs. His brother Liam convinced him to stay, promising they could quit at any time. Once the band got big, however, he reneged on his promise, leading Charlie to begin using heroin. Years later, Liam quit the band after missing the birth of his daughter. Just before Flight 815, Charlie tried to convince Liam to come back to Driveshaft on a reunion tour. Liam refused, and Charlie walked away.
On the island, Charlie hassles Locke to give back his stash. Locke says he'll give back the drugs if Charlie asks him for them three times. The first time, Locke explains how the power of choice differentiates men from animals. The second time, Locke uses an analogy about moths to explain how struggles make us stronger.
During an argument with Charlie, Jack gets trapped in a cave-in. Most of the the men on the island, led by Michael, try to dig him out, but quickly discover that someone needs to crawl inside to help Jack. Charlie volunteers. He crawls inside, digs Jack out and helps relocate his shoulder. Charlie spots a moth in the cave and realizes there must be another way out. Jack and Charlie dig upward to safety. Afterward, Charlie asks Locke for his drugs a third time, and throws them in a campfire.
Meanwhile, Sayid, Kate and Sawyer try to plant antennas to find the signal broadcasting on the island. Just when Sayid gets the signal on the transceiver, someone knocks him unconscious.
- Why did Boone ask Shannon to watch for the flares? She's a ditz. She came through, but she's still a ditz.
- Sawyer is just an asshole.
Grade: A+
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Lost: Season 1, Episode 06
Title: House of the Rising Sun
Original Air Date: October 24, 2004
Key Character: Sun
This episode focuses on the courtship and marriage of Asian Guy (Jin) and Sun. Jin, a waiter, agrees to work for Sun's father for two years in exchange for her hand in marriage. The couple drift apart, however, as Jin spends more and more time away on business. Then one night, he comes home covered in someone else's blood. Sun hatches a plan to escape her husband and leave for America. At the last minute, however, she decides to stay with Jin.
Jin starts off the episode by beating the crap out of Michael. Jin refuses to explain his actions, calling Michael a thief to Sun. Sayid and Sawyer apprehend him and handcuff him to some wreckage. I thought he found out Michael saw Sun bathing, but he actually found an expensive watch that belonged to Sun's father. Michael explains the situation and chops the handcuffs apart with an ax. Tough loss--they'll probably need those cuffs again.
Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, Locke and Charlie go to the spring for fresh water. Charlie finds a hive of angry bees, Kate loses her shirt, and finds two dead bodies. Jack confirms that the male and female have been dead for 50 years. Jack decides to convince the camp to move to the caves. Sayid, Kate, and Sawyer, et al, decide to stay on the beach.
Locke confronts Charlie about his heroin addiction, and convinces him to give him last of his stash. Charlie finds his precious guitar.
- This is the first episode with a recap.
- Another eyeball open. I think that's three so far.
- I kinda had a feeling from the beginning that Sun could speak English. Also, I'm not convinced that she doesn't still want to leave Jin.
- Jack finds two stones--one black, one white.
- They didn't explain how the watch got on the plane, or whether Sun's father was one of the victims.
- I don't understand why half the gang wants to stay on the beach. Why can't they watch the beach in shifts?
Key Quote: "Are you sure this is where you want to be?" (Willie Nelson)
Grade: A+
This is a great show. All the characters and stories are extremely compelling so far.
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