Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lost: Season 1, Episode 10

Title: Raised by Another
Original Air Date: December 1, 2004
Key Character: Claire

New characters: Thomas, Mr. Melkin (psychic), Pauline & John Stewart (adoptive parents)


I KNEW IT! I KNEW Ethan wasn't one of the survivors! 20 main characters on this show, and he just pops up out of nowhere. I'm still suspicious about Steve & Scott, and that hypochondriac guy.

Anyway, this is a Claire episode, and it's kickass. In Claire's backstory, she got pregnant by a kid named Thomas, who quickly turns yellow and dumps her. She met a psychic who insisted she raise the baby at all costs. He talked her out of giving the baby up for adoption, and gave her a plane ticket to California to meet a different couple. Now Claire believes he knew the plane would crash.

On the island, Claire has a nightmare, then believes someone tries to attack her. Hurley takes a census for everyone's safety. He discovers that Ethan Rom's name isn't on the flight manifest. Sayid returns to camp, and tells Jack there are others on the island--information that might have been useful YESTERDAY!

  • The eyeball open is becoming a thing.
  • In Claire's nightmare, Locke has weird eyes: one white, one black.
  • Oh yea! The psychic played the Russian president on 24.
  • Sawyer looks cool in those Kurt Cobain sunglasses.
  • If you can't tell red from pink, maybe art isn't your thing.
Grade: A+++. This show kicks ass!

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