Friday, June 4, 2010

Lost: Season 1, Episode 04

Title: Walkabout
Original Air Date: October 13, 2004

New Characters: Randy, "GL12", Helen, Boars, Australian Tour Guide
RIP: At least one boar. Oh, and one fish.

  • Locke's got a knife. Wow, he's got a bunch of knives.
  • Seems he's a colonel and a cripple. Not so much a cripple though. Hmm not much of a colonel, either.
  • Sayid finally decides to look for the other transmitter. I had that idea yesterday, go me.
  • Michael leaves Walt with Sun, who asks Walt in Asian if he's ever been in a Turkish prison.
  • Jack sees a guy in a suit. I think it was Rod Serling.
  • Wow, someone from Denton was on the plane. I'm sure that'll be a huge factor later in the show.
  • Locke comes face to face with the Monster. And lies about it.
  • Watching the show is much more interesting with my roommate, Michael. Mike actually thought they were hunting the Borg. Then again, he thinks the Monster may have killed the boar, not Locke.
  • So did Michael get gored by the boar, or was he just careless with his knife?
  • I think if I moved my toe for the first time in four years, I'd get up and walk before I put my shoes on.
  • I still hate Shannon.
Key Quotes: "Don't tell me what I can't do." and "THIS IS MY DESTINY!!" (Locke)

Grade: A+

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